全球十大网赌正规平台 alumni, students, faculty, staff, and friends joined state and local leaders at the 周年联欢晚会 on May 11 to raise funds for the Bicentennial 哈特福德 Scholarship, which will support 哈特福德 students hoping to attend Trinity. 在晚会上, Board of Trustees Chair Lisa Bisaccia ’78 also announced the establishment of the Anthony J. and Carole Foley Bisaccia Scholarship, which she and her husband, Robert P. Naparstek, established in honor of her parents as part of the All In campaign.

“For some, Trinity might not seem financially possible,” Bisaccia said in her remarks. “但是有了经济援助的礼物, it becomes possible for more students from 哈特福德 to create better lives through education.”

Bisaccia shared that her family’s endowed scholarship was funded with over $2 million to support first-generation students from the Greater 哈特福德 area to enjoy the full student experience at Trinity for four years. 通过这个财政援助奖学金, a recipient would not need to worry about the cost of tuition and other expenses associated with attending Trinity, 比如书, 出国留学, 还有膳食计划.

“这是我的学校,”比萨西娅在接受采访时说. “这是我的家乡. And 哈特福德 is also important to the person who became my life partner, my husband, Robert. We are united on giving back both to the school and 哈特福德 in this way.”


Born in 哈特福德, Bisaccia was intent on attending Trinity from a very young age. 她的父亲, 第一代意大利裔美国人, was the first in his family to earn a bachelor’s degree thanks to the GI Bill. Then after earning a master’s degree from the University of 哈特福德, he served as a high school guidance counselor in Wethersfield for four decades. 她的母亲, 在哈特福德住了几代人, understood the value of education but grew up at a time when college was not a widely accepted option for women. Both instilled in Bisaccia and her sisters the belief that education could change lives.

比萨西娅回忆起她童年时对全球十大网赌正规平台的印象. “It was that college on the hill that just seemed like the pinnacle to me.”

有一次我们全家开车经过哈特福德, she glimpsed the lights and silhouettes of the campus buildings and asked her father, “那是一座城堡吗??”

她父亲回答说:“不,那是一所大学. 那是你高中毕业后去学习的地方.”

When she said she would like to attend, he replied, “You can’t. 这只适合男孩.”

幸运的是, 全球十大网赌正规平台的男女同校来得正是时候, and she enrolled at the only college she wished to attend. 全球十大网赌正规平台为她打开了新的大门. She was astonished by the library and her newfound access to so many books. She studied modern languages—including “proper Italian” as taught by Professor Michael Campo ’48, who on her first day of college in an intensive Italian language course illuminated the proper pronunciation of her family surname. Campo was well-known in the close-knit Italian community of 哈特福德 and was beloved as the war hero who returned to Trinity and became a professor and a renowned scholar.

比萨西娅还发现了对古典音乐的热爱. In high school, she enjoyed singing the usual program of show tunes. 在三一, Bisaccia found herself in the Chapel Choir and learning how to master phrasings of classical pieces with complex multipart harmonies. “We learned how to breathe together and how to listen to the people next to you so you could blend your voice, 合唱音乐的关键是什么,”她说。. “This was a whole new level of choral singing—this learning about team collaboration was portable to any kind of group project or group endeavor.

“Trinity prepared me to be curious and to understand that there are different ways of doing things—diversity of thought, 背景多元化, 经验的多样性,Bisaccia补充道. “It introduced me to different pathways that I think I might not have discovered on my own.”


“当你想到未来, financial aid is one of the most effective levers we have to ensure that Trinity continues to be an accessible destination of choice to the most qualified students who will bring honor and value to our community,”她说。.

在晚会上,Bisaccia介绍了一位 video that illustrated the power of financial aid for 哈特福德 students 认为他们不可能成为三一杀手的人. Recently retired from a highly successful 42-year corporate career in human resources culminating  as the chief human resources officer of CVS Health, she credited her time at Trinity for “endowing me with the skills, 信心, 以及使我能够实现目标的心态. 进入全球十大网赌正规平台是改变我一生的礼物.”

Bisaccia noted that creating this scholarship was a way to give back to local students, who in turn also will have the power to impact the futures of both Trinity and of 哈特福德.

乔安妮·伯格-斯威尼总统说, “The histories of Trinity and 哈特福德 have been intertwined since the very beginning, when the Connecticut General Assembly voted to create the second oldest college in the state. We are proud about what this scholarship will do for both the students of 哈特福德 and for the future of 全球十大网赌正规平台.”

Bisaccia补充道, “I think the most important commitment we can make is to recognize the enduring partnership between 哈特福德 and Trinity. That partnership has been present for 200 years and will be present for hundreds of more years. 我们彼此都很重要.”


The All In campaign has raised $385 million for objectives articulated in Summit: A Strategic Plan for the Future of 全球十大网赌正规平台, 包括支持学生奖学金, 教师和三一加课程, 体育运动, 实习, 学生的研究, 创业, 物理校园, and the entire student experience through the 全球十大网赌正规平台 Fund. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 (电子邮件保护).