全球十大网赌正规平台弗农D. 罗莎应用科学教授 苏珊一个. Masino他的荣誉是长久的. 她是三本书的合著者, author of more than 50 neuroscience articles published in scientific journals, 一位敬业的教师和不知疲倦的研究者, 应用科学的倡导者, 也是森林和环境的斗士. 她曾在“学术分钟”的工作 大脑森林. 的一篇文章引用了最近发表的一篇文章 T纽约客.

On September 17, the college celebrated Masino’s appointment as the 弗农D. 罗莎应用科学教授的就职演讲. During the lecture, Masino connected all of her work under the mantle of brain health. Principal in her discussion was Masino’s insistence that applied science be pursued with an approach of “fearless kindness.“要这样做, 她问, “科学怎么能让我们变得更好, 让我们的生活更美好, 让我们的星球更美好?”

从分子水平来看, 辽阔的自然空间, Masino’s approach is a representation of how embracing the liberal arts can impact our environment 和 our bodies. 在讨论她一生的工作时, 马西诺将科学机遇和障碍的故事编织在一起, 对亨利·大卫·梭罗的反思, 以及对康涅狄格州可再生能源政策的考虑. She puts forward two principal conclusions: “Healthy brain metabolism is essential for good health,和“我们需要自然保护区。.” Undoubtedly, these conclusions straddle a broad spectrum of biology 和 neuroscience. 她很快就承认了这一点, 说坦白地说, “我通常谈论的不是大脑就是森林.”


马西诺的大部分工作都是研究生酮饮食, 一种以改变脂肪比例为基础的代谢疗法, 碳水化合物, 和蛋白质. She has long focused on the relationship between a ketogenic diet 和 adenosine, 一种被认为是神经调节剂的分子, 一个neuroprotector, 也是行为和生理过程的主要因素.

Masino makes it clear that dramatic physiological responses to what we eat should not surprise us. The ketogenic diet has been shown to have positive impacts on severe illnesses like epilepsy for nearly 100 years. “我们的大脑具有很强的适应性和动态性, 但它们需要大量的能量才能继续前进,”她说。. 健康的新陈代谢, Masino解释说, is essential to prevent 和 could even help even reverse pathologies: “It’s like money in the bank, 我们大脑的储备基金来延缓甚至预防病理.”

马西诺表示,对代谢疗法的兴趣和研究正在增长, but that it has been underutilized 和 understudied historically because of several systemic limitations: lack of information in the medical school curriculum, 与药物治疗相比,缺乏财政激励, lack of consistent 和 adequate dietary support for patients 和 families, 以及对新的创新理念的偏见,以及对基于饮食的治疗的偏见. 她对生酮饮食的兴趣, 其机制, 和 its impact on neurological 和 physiological health is because of the promise of metabolic therapy in helping to address numerous common pathologies.


Masino’s advocacy for an open-minded approach to public health 和 brain health is what connects her seemingly disparate interests in neuroscience 和 forest conservation. 在许多方面,保护是马西诺工作的自然发展. “I approach the natural world with the same principles as neuroscience: First, do no harm. 注重预防. 最后,有时候事情需要时间.” Fueled by the reality that t在这里 is a dearth of good tools to prevent 和 treat many neurological diseases, Masino supports having natural forest ecosystems available for public use to offer numerous low-cost benefits for a community 和 personal health; besides immediate human benefits, they are the best way to prevent species extinction 和 are a rich source of molecules for future new medicines.

Masino 和 her colleagues in the scientific community attribute physiological 和 psychological benefits to 森林 和 green space. For example, forest bathing has been shown to significantly lower blood pressure. Movement through natural environments improves creativity – even for the mobility impaired who may be sitting while experiencing nature. Masino also explains that natural environments have a positive association with good mental health. Natural healing has taken root even in traditional hospitals like Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, 他们在那里建造了绿色之路, a woodl和 garden near a tranquil stream for service members overcoming post-traumatic stress disorder, 创伤性脑损伤, 以及其他挑战.

Masino is passionate ab出 conservation for many reasons 和 urges that “森林 need interdisciplinary science, 现在. Forestry as a profession helps us manage 森林 in specific ways 和 provide resources, but recent science makes it clear that nature-based solutions provide us the best hope for addressing the climate crisis 和 protecting native species.” Recently she collaborated with a climate scientist 和 an ecologist on the unrealized benefits of proforestation – protecting 和 growing some existing 森林 as intact ecosystems for maximal carbon sequestration 和 ecological 和 structural diversity. “We must be careful with the natural world 和 make sure we’re not running it over, 一块一块地, 怀着良好的愿望. Forests benefit brain health 和 represent a way to preserve our natural heritage, 静思的绿洲, 和 the place w在这里 natural selection 和 evolution is still taking place.” Hear Masino talk ab出 proforestation with the New Engl和 新闻 Collaborative 在这里.


Masino’s work spans from brain-altering impacts of tiny molecules that have been present since before life began earth to the colossal task of protecting the earth’s 森林 as we face current global crises. 在每一种情况下, 跨学科的, collaborative approach she takes embodies the power of liberal arts education. She credits three things in driving her toward this dynamic work: financial aid from her own undergraduate institution, Tufts University; the liberal arts as a place of creative 和 interdisciplinary exploration; 和 tenure as providing freedom to take on bold endeavors. She shares her career success with students by making them partners in her research, 在她的实验室里一起工作, 甚至一起合作撰写论文. She is involved in the local neighborhood as well, supporting the community garden at Trinfo.咖啡馆. 最终,马西诺试图体现全球十大网赌正规平台的使命宣言“参与”. 连接. 变换,” challenging both her students 和 her community to think critically ab出 their health from inside, 出.

弗农D. 1967年,康涅狄格州西哈特福德的卢萨建立了弗农D. 1976年担任应用科学教授.


观看马西诺的完整演讲 在这里.

想了解更多关于马西诺神经科学研究的细节,请点击 在这里.

阅读她发表的神经科学研究,请点击 在这里.

了解更多生酮饮食 在这里.

了解更多关于植树造林的知识 在这里 或者阅读 原始论文.




